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Business, Social Media Management

Insight into what the self-employed life actually looks like! On Instagram, I do a lot of “day in the life” content on Instagram Stories. It’s some of my most popular content! I think we all have some curiosity about what someone else is up to or how they structure their day. Something you should know […]

A week in the life of a Freelance Social Media Manager

I’ve had my feet in the marketing world since 2012, earning my Bachelors in Business Admin and Masters in Internet Marketing along the way.

Analytics and stats are my bffs, and it’s my JOY to help my marketing clients achieve data-driven results that increase their visibility and sales...

whether that means making easy money in the DMs, writing ads that actually get noticed, or inventing lead gen strategies that are totally outside the box.

I’m not a coach. I’m a marketing consultant, mentor, and co-creator who gives her clients actual solutions.

Will you be my next success story?

Analytics and stats are my bffs, and it’s my JOY to help my marketing clients achieve data-driven results that increase their visibility and sales...

Hi, I'm Victoria

A marketing roadmap for service-based businesses.

The Struggling at ZERO to Booked Out HERO

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