How to Use Instagram Story Stickers



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Guess what? If you click on a link that I’ve provided, it might
be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you
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for good causes: Things like reinvesting in this business to
bring you even better resources, and quite possibly a facial... because self care!

Instagram Stories is arguably one of the most powerful features of Instagram! We are seeing Stories be used by businesses and brands of all sizes to connect with their audience and promote their offers.

Personally – I love Stories. I love to watch and engage with them and I love to use them in my own business and my clients businesses!

One of the best features of Instagram Stories in my opinion are the Stickers. Stickers are often overlooked as just a way to add something aesthetic to your Story but they are one of the most powerful ways to achieve a variety of your marketing goals, reach new audiences, and make cash right on the ‘gram!

Instagram Story Stickers: The Current Options

Disclaimer: Every Instagram seems a little different with the availability of Stickers. For example, I don’t have the Music Sticker. But fear not, I will update this post as more options become widely available!


10/10 my favorite Story Sticker! Why? Because it gives you an invitation to engage with your audience that participated in the poll! If you aren’t familiar with how to use this sticker when selected, you can add a question then change the two options (default are ‘yes’ and ‘no’) for your audience to choose from.

Ways to use the Poll Sticker:

  • Ask your audience a question to gauge their interest! For example, if you’re thinking about launching a new product line, ask your audience if they would be interested in it or let them choose the “signature scent”.
  • Ask your audience what they resonate more with. This is a great way to get a feel for what kind of language they identify with to use in other marketing efforts.
  • Ask them if they are interested in your freebie (that gets them into your email list). I like to do ‘yes’ and ‘hell yes’ as the options then I personally DM each person to get their email address or give them the link! The DM personal touch is WAY better and way more impactful then saying “link in bio” or swipe up.


The countdown sticker is a really cool one because your followers can click it to get a final reminder before the timer is up AND you can use it in other Stories before the timer runs out!

Ways to Use the Countdown Sticker:

  • Use it when doors close for your course/membership
  • Use it to remind your audience of an upcoming product launch or restock date
  • Use it as a way to let your audience know when a new podcast episode drops every week


The quiz sticker is one I fully admit to under-using… With the quiz sticker, you can write your own multiple-choice questions and customize your answers. After it’s live on your Stories, your followers can vote and learn whether or not they got it right in real-time!

Ways to Use the Quiz Sticker:

  • Do “2 truths and a lie” for a Friday Introduction and let your audience guess what is a lie
  • Ask your audience what they identify with more
  • Do a “pop quiz” on an upcoming launch as a way to hype your audience and remind them of certain details


The slider sticker is another that I definitely underuse or don’t use to it’s fullest capabilities! The slider sticker is one where there isn’t a “set spot” but instead the user can grab it with their thumb and slide all the way up or anywhere in between!

Ways to Use the Slider Sticker:

  • Give your audience a scale to vote on something – I’ve seen this work really well when asking your audience how they feel. For example: How does selling make you feel? Then using the text tool, add to the far right (which would be like 100%) add “great! i love selling!” then at the far left (which would be like 0%) add “ugh!”.

Using Instagram Stories to their fullest extent involves consistency, a little grit, and a whole lot of creativity!

Have questions about Polls and Stories? Send me a DM on Instagram!

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Hi, I'm Victoria

Marketing consultant. The gal you message when you don't know what to do next in your business.

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I'm Victoria, a marketing strategist who believes in authentic, no-BS strategies. With a passion for helping businesses grow ethically, I guide you through creating clarity, collaboration, and freedom in your marketing.

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