Personal Branding vs. Business Brand: Which is Best?



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The first time I heard of “personal branding” was my second year in college for my undergrad in 2014. I was at a college media conference and it left a huge impact on me and how I viewed my online presence. Up until this point, all I had at this point was a X/Twitter account and a Facebook profile.

But after listening to talk after talk about how a personal brand can help you stand out in the crowded job market, I was all in. I didn’t really know at that time what I wanted to do when I grow up, but I had a hunch it was something online!

Today the start of that personal brand is what has carried me this far.

Are you ready to shine as the face of your business? Let’s explore why personal branding can be more powerful than a traditional business brand!

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is all about showcasing who you are and what you stand for. Unlike a business brand, which focuses on a company’s identity, personal branding puts the spotlight on you—your personality, values, and unique story. It’s the art of presenting yourself in a way that highlights your strengths and resonates with your audience.

Think of it as crafting an image that people can connect with on a personal level. While a business brand might emphasize products or services, personal branding emphasizes the individual behind those offerings. This approach can create deeper connections and foster trust.

You know you’re on the right track when your online experience matches your in-real life experience.

The Power of Personal Connection

Authenticity is key. People crave genuine connections, and personal branding allows you to build trust through authenticity. When you share your story and values, you’re not just selling a product; you’re sharing a part of yourself.

Imagine meeting someone at a party who tells captivating stories about their most recent trip to Italy. You’re likely to remember them because they made an impression on you personally. The same principle applies to personal branding—by being authentic and transparent, you create memorable experiences for your audience.

Why Choose Personal Branding Over a Business Brand?

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Personal brands can evolve over time without losing their essence. As you grow and change, so can your brand.

    If you’re a fan of changing things up or want to have multiple streams of income, a personal brand gives you the ability to pivot and adapt overtime – without always needing a costly rebrand.
  2. Creating a Lasting Impression: A personal brand leaves a mark that’s hard to forget. Your personality becomes synonymous with your business, making it easier for people to remember you.
  3. Folks are about the Player, NOT the Team: Have you noticed people are more loyal to a specific sport player like Travis Kelce or Josh Allen instead of a team as a whole? Like YES people wear colors and jerseys of teams, but they’re often far more into a specific player over the team.

Personal branding offers flexibility that traditional business brands often lack. You have the freedom to pivot and adapt as your interests or market conditions change. Plus, when people think of your niche or industry, they’ll think of you first—a lasting impression that’s invaluable in building long-term relationships.

Steps to Create Your Personal Brand

It’s really easy to confuse a personal brand with being an influencer and while there is some overlap, for the sake of being a business oriented personal brand, things are a little different. Ready to start? Here’s how:

  1. Be really fucking undeniably good at something: If your brand is scattered in it’s offerings, think about one commonality between all of the offers. An example is Ben & Jerry’s. They make the best ice cream on the market. Once you figure out your thing, start creating content around it.
  2. Portray your values: If you’re a personal brand, your values are going to be similar to your in real life values. But take it a step further, how can you embody that? How can you portray that in how you appear online?
  3. Embrace the lifestyle of your brand: If your product or service brings joy and happiness to your clients, how can you bring laughter to your marketing? If your offer is all about reliability, how can you demonstrate consistency? Your personal brand is a lifestyle.
  4. Don’t stress about your visual identity or getting a brand designed (yet): Use what you have. Use selfies, set up a timer on your phone camera and pose in front of it, anything. But don’t invest money in your visuals yet. Once you start to find some sense of consistency in the colors you wear, the style of your content, THEN you can invest in a brand identity and photos, if you choose.
  5. Craft Your personal narrative: Your personal narrative is your lens into the world. Share stories that highlight your journey, challenges, and successes. Be honest and relatable – the authenticity is key here! Don’t be afraid to repeat stories and focus on different elements.
  6. Learn in public: Experiment, try something and post it. Read a page in a book related to your skillset and post something. Post if you agree or disagree, share a hot take, talk about how you’d do it differently. Keep a list of content ideas.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Personal Branding

Even the best plans can falter if common pitfalls aren’t avoided:

  1. Being Inconsistent with messaging: My coach Madison Tinder says we should have brand statements that we say over and over again. For example, one of hers is “you don’t need a niche.” If you’re taking a stance on something or have a proprietary way of doing something, be consistent with how you talk about it!
  2. Thinking of your personal brand like you’re an influencer: Don’t get me wrong, there is some overlap. Influencers aim for wide reach and engagement fro immediate results while a personal brand focuses on long-term reputation and building lasting relationships with thier audience. The content approach is also extremely different. Influencers might chase trends to stay relevant, whereas personal brands stick to their core values and expertise, creating content that aligns with their unique identity. Influencers tend to have a more transactional approach with frequent sponsored content, while personal brands often monetize through deeper, more diversified avenues. While an influencer can also build a personal brand, the approach, focus, and long-term goals can differ significantly. Influencers can leverage their personal brand to add depth and authenticity to their influence, making them more appealing to both audiences and brands.

Entrepreneurs Who Mastered Personal Branding

Many entrepreneurs have successfully harnessed the power of personal branding:

  1. Jera Foster-Fell: She’s all about short-form video content and harnessing what makes you you! Anyone that follows her knows her heart is centered around her senior pups, she loves cheese and crackers, and her not-so-secret talent is armpit farts. But anyone that follows her ALSO knows that she’s an authority in social media marketing and you can hire her to speak at your company or work with her in one of her courses.
  2. Savanna Boda: This girl has changed the medi-spa industry forever and in all of the best ways. She’s got a bunch of catch phrases like “reapply ‘till you die” when talking about SPF and her “two spray slay” for face toners. Her approachable personality and “started from the bottom” story has built her a biz that is sure to stand the test of time.
  3. Kaitlyn Kessler: Whenever I think of mindset and an ease-focused business, I think of Kaitlyn! She’s a mindset coach, podcast host, and THAT GIRL that’s going to advocate for your beliefs when you’re trying to talk yourself outta it. Anyone that follows Kaitlyn knows she’s all about blending the woo with the work and trusting yourself.
  4. Angelia “Angel” Trinidad: Angelia is the founder and CEO of Passion Planner (aff link). While she’s NOT someone that posts all of the time on social, she does use her personal profile to showcase her values and how she uses her products.

These individuals didn’t just promote products—they shared parts of themselves that resonated deeply with their audiences. Their journeys teach us the importance of staying true to oneself while continually evolving professionally/personally.


Personal branding isn’t just a trend; it’s a transformative approach that can set you apart in a crowded market. By being authentic, adaptable, and true to your values, you create a personal brand that not only showcases your professional expertise but also resonates on a deeper level with your audience.

Reflecting on my journey from that college media conference to where I am today, I can confidently say that embracing personal branding was a game-changer. It has allowed me to build a career that aligns with my passions and values, and it can do the same for you.

Are you ready to shine as the face of your business? Embrace personal branding, and let your unique story, personality, and expertise become your most powerful marketing tool. Remember, people connect with people, not just products or services. So, let your personal brand be a beacon that attracts, engages, and inspires.

Start today by taking small steps—share your story, showcase your values, and engage authentically with your audience. Over time, you’ll see how these efforts translate into stronger connections, greater trust, and lasting success.

Let’s make personal branding not just a strategy, but a lifestyle that reflects the best of who you are and what you stand for. Are you ready to take the leap and let your personal brand shine? The world is waiting to meet the real you.

Let’s make personal branding not just a strategy, but a lifestyle that reflects the best of who you are and what you stand for. Are you ready to take the leap and let your personal brand shine? The world is waiting to meet the real you.

Want help forming your marketing strategy around your personal brand? Join me inside Conversion Catalyst® Club where I help you craft your marketing strategy and help you build upon it each and every month.

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