How to use Instagram Stories to grow your Tribe



Simplifying how you market your business.

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Guess what? If you click on a link that I’ve provided, it might
be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you
buy something from their site. That means that I might get
paid if you click on that link - at no additional cost to you.

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for good causes: Things like reinvesting in this business to
bring you even better resources, and quite possibly a facial... because self care!

Over the last 4 months, Instagram has been instrumental in me booking clients! YUP! I’m booking BUSINESS from INSTAGRAM!

Since Instagram launched stories in Fall of 2016, they’ve really expanded on the features to make it undeniably one of the most powerful features of the app and network.

How to use Instagram Stories to Grow your Tribe

Collaborate with complementary businesses

One of the fastest ways to grow your following is to collaborate with other businesses and brands! Find some friends online who are similar to your niche (I mean #communityovercompetition am I right?!) and see how you can benefit each other’s audiences. Pick a day to take over each others Instagram Story. Pro tip: Make sure you aren’t just directing them to your account – have an opt-in set up that relates to what you were talking about so you can communicate with them more directly!

Share your Process

One of my favorite things to share on Instagram is educational content! Educational content is all about serving your audience – so teach them something! Think about how you can help them solve their problems themselves or do something themselves. I love sharing my process. Let’s say you’re a jewelry maker. You could show your audience how you decide what color beads to put together. Or show your audience how you pair different sized beads so it’s both aesthetically pleasing while being comfortable for the client to wear.

Introduce Yourself

Don’t overthink this! Your audience wants to connect with you – so let them! Do a series of stories where you introduce yourself. Your first should be an introduction where you tell them your name and what you do (Keep it simple. “Hey, I’m Victoria! I’m a social media leader for businesses looking to get noticed online!”). Your second story should be something personal if you’re a soloprenuer or personal brand. Think about why you got started in your business and share that. Your third story should talk about the product or service you provide. Your fourth story should give them a call to action such as to message you or tell you something about themselves. Doing this helps your audience get to know YOU better and identify with the person behind the business.


Events or Announcements

Since Stories only last 24 hours (unless you save them to your Story Highlights on your profile) – it’s the perfect opportunity to showcase an event you’re working at or a business announcement that’s more time sensitive such as a 24-hour sale or your availability for hire!

How You Work

This is another crowd favorite. Your clients will love the sneak peek at your creative process or you showing and telling them “secrets” about your business!

Want to chat about Instagram Stories? Send me a message on Instagram at!

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Hi, I'm Victoria

Marketing consultant. The gal you message when you don't know what to do next in your business.

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    I'm Victoria, a marketing strategist who believes in authentic, no-BS strategies. With a passion for helping businesses grow ethically, I guide you through creating clarity, collaboration, and freedom in your marketing.

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