7 Must-Dos to Grow Your Audience on Social Media



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There is a huge difference between your Target Audience and your Actual Audience. While YES there can be overlap and there often is, you can’t have one without the other. 

Let’s break down the difference so you know exactly what you’re looking for! 

Your Target Audience is referring to your Ideal Client/Customer Avatar. It’s that person you’re dreaming of having as a customer! That person who your unique offer was made for.

Your Actual Audience is what we are working on growing here. It’s who consumes your content.

So here are the  7 things you need to be doing to grow your Actual Audience on social media.

  1. Decide What Makes You, YOU!

Your legacy, your “it” factor, your Oprah factor…. Whatever you call it! It’s what makes you, YOU! Think about what you want to be known for or how you want your friend to introduce you. Or what you want to be remembered for.

2. Keyword research

Keyword research is something you normally only hear about with websites or blog posts for SEO but they are becoming increasingly more important when it comes to social media. Just recently, Instagram has added keyword research (not JUST HASHTAGS!) to the search feature!

3. Share Content That You’re Excited About

It’s so much easier to share content and create content when you are genuinely excited about what you’re sharing. Don’t be afraid to tell your audience when you have a new post out that they could potentially find valuable.

4. Collaborations and Partnerships 

One of the best and fastest ways to grow your audience is by getting in front of other people’s audiences. This could be through podcasts, guest blog posts, masterclasses, or live videos together on each other’s pages. 

The secret to making this work involves three key steps.

First, you need to make sure that the agreement is mutually beneficial. Both you and the collaborator should be benefiting from it. How will it serve your/their audience?

Second, you want to make sure that you’re providing value that establishes you as an expert.

Lastly, you want to make sure that the person you’re collaborating with has an audience that YOU want to get in front of.

5. Projects That Move Your Business Forward 

I know, this might not sound like a real “growth tactic” but bear with me! When you’re working on projects that are moving your business forward, your growth is inevitable.

Take time to think about what needs to be done every day. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a new offer or a new project. It can be something already existst in your business. 

What makes the biggest impact? Maybe you identified that every time you email your list, you make $2,000. Or maybe you know that when you make graphics, you get a bunch of shares. Regardless of what you’ve identified, I’ve found that when I’m excited about what I’m working on (whether it be something new or an existing project or even a client result), I’m more inclined to share in a way that’s exciting and authentic which draws in my audience.

6. Unique Perspectives 

It’s easier to stand out and make a name for yourself when your perspective is different or goes against the grain. A great example is a yoga teacher who doesn’t post pictures of poses.

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7. Content FOR Your Audience, That Speaks To Them

Earlier I mentioned creating content that makes you excited. But it’s also important to create content that speaks to your audience. Typically this looks like speaking to their fears, pains, and goals.

Ask yourself what your audience is afraid of. 
Are they afraid of going bankrupt starting a business? 
Are they afraid of the product not working for them? 
Are they afraid of success? 
Are they afraid of not making their money back on an investment? 

An example of how to talk about fears would be if your audience is afraid of investing and not making their money back to share a story about your first investment in business and how it worked out and you made your money back and propelled your business forward. 

The same works for what is painful to them. What hurts them? What keeps them up at night? Are they pained by not having the resources they need to lose weight? Are they pained by not knowing how to meal plan? Are they pained by not having clients?

And again, this works for their goals. Maybe they want to gain followers online. Or they want to get a boudoir shot but they want to gain confidence first.

By creating content inspired by their fears, goals, and pain points, you’re speaking directly to your audience!

8. Ads 

This one is a bit of a bonus because I can’t say it’s a “must-do” when you’re just getting started. But if you have an established audience and you’re looking to go a step further with that audience, this is a strategy you can’t afford to pass up. 

Running Engagement Ads to your existing and Look-a-Like audience can be a great way to nurture them, build up Facebook Audiences and improve your reach which in turn will bring in new followers. 

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Hi, I'm Victoria

Marketing consultant. The gal you message when you don't know what to do next in your business.

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    I'm Victoria, a marketing strategist who believes in authentic, no-BS strategies. With a passion for helping businesses grow ethically, I guide you through creating clarity, collaboration, and freedom in your marketing.

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