Ep. 38 – Maximizing the Benefits of Bundles and Summits (as a participant) Pt. 1



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be a link to someone who will give me a commission if you
buy something from their site. That means that I might get
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for good causes: Things like reinvesting in this business to
bring you even better resources, and quite possibly a facial... because self care!

It’s that time of the year again. Summer is in full swing, and you know what that means? Bundle season is back! And let’s not forget that fall is just around the corner, which brings us the much-anticipated Summit season. Exciting, isn’t it? As someone who has already participated in a couple of summits and bundles this year, I thought it would be a great idea to share my experiences and insights with you. In this episode (and the next one too), we’ll dive into the world of bundles and summits, starting with bundle participation. So, buckle up and get ready for some fun and valuable information!

Why join Bundles?

Bundles offer an incredible opportunity to expand your reach and reap numerous benefits. Here’s why you should seriously consider jumping on the bundle bandwagon:

  1. Get in front of more people: When you join a bundle, you’ll be part of a curated collection of digital products revolving around a specific theme. This bundle is then sold at a significantly discounted price or even given away for free. By contributing your product to the bundle, you can attract new leads when people redeem your offer using a coupon code.
  2. Get better-qualified leads: While larger bundles might bring in thousands of new email subscribers, not all of them may be the perfect fit for your business. Smaller, more niche-specific bundles often yield better-qualified leads who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. Don’t underestimate the power of these smaller bundles!
  3. Network & be seen as an authority: Participating in bundles puts you in the company of other talented entrepreneurs. This not only expands your network but also positions you as an authority in your field. It’s a win-win situation!
  4. Make affiliate sales and connections: While bundles alone may not make you a millionaire overnight, they can still generate some affiliate sales and valuable connections. Often, the bundle host has additional products that you can earn commissions from when your leads make purchases.

Deciding on the offer to contribute to the bundle

Now that you’re convinced about the benefits of joining a bundle, let’s talk about choosing the right offer to contribute. Consider these tips:

  1. Align with the bundle’s theme: Take a close look at the goals and theme of the bundle. Ask yourself which of your products or offers aligns perfectly with the bundle’s focus. This will ensure a better fit for your audience and maximize your chances of success.
  2. Set individual goals: Alongside the bundle’s goals, set your own objectives. For example, if you have an upcoming copywriting course launch, don’t contribute the course itself. Instead, offer a smaller, complementary product that piques interest and sets the stage for your copywriting course.
  3. Stand out from the crowd: Try to get a peek at what other contributors are offering. Offering something unique or different will help you stand out in the bundle. Avoid contributing duplicate offers, as it dilutes the exclusivity and value of your product.

When NOT to Join a Bundle

While bundles can be a fantastic opportunity, there are instances when it’s best to exercise caution and refrain from participating. Here are a few scenarios to consider:

  1. Avoid bundles that require payment to join: In my experience, bundles that ask for payment to participate have yielded unfavorable results. It’s a red flag for the host’s intentions, as they tend to gain significantly more from hosting the bundle than you do from contributing. Trust your gut on this one!
  2. Steer clear of poorly organized bundles: When you promote an affiliate product, you vouch for the person behind it. If you come across a poorly put-together bundle, it’s best to refrain from promoting it. You don’t want your audience to have a negative experience or compromise their trust in you.
  3. Skip bundles when you have your own launch or promotion coming up: Timing is everything. If you have an important launch or promotion on the horizon, it might be best to focus your efforts on that rather than participating in a bundle. Don’t spread yourself too thin!

What to do before the bundle

Preparation is key to make the most of your bundle participation. Here are some essential steps to take:

  1. The obvious stuff: Create a unique coupon code, write a short and enticing description of your offer, prepare a short bio about yourself, and design an eye-catching graphic to make your contribution shine.
  2. Create a new nurture sequence: Remember that your new leads will receive multiple emails from various offers within the bundle. To avoid overwhelming them, craft a nurturing email sequence that provides value without bombarding their inbox. Keep it engaging, educational, and enjoyable.
  3. Utilize a tripwire: A tripwire is a low-cost, high-value offer that helps you recoup some costs and identify serious leads. However, be mindful of requiring payment details during the initial opt-in process, as it may negatively impact your conversion rate.

What to do after the bundle

Congratulations, you made it through the bundle! Now, let’s wrap things up in style:

  1. Consider hosting something exclusive for your new leads: If you’ve gained a significant number of leads (100 or more), it’s worth treating them to something special. Host a masterclass, a challenge, or a Q&A session that delves deeper into the topic of your bundle offer. This allows you to nurture your new leads further and potentially upsell them into a course or other high-value offerings.
  2. Measure what worked: Take the time to analyze your email click-through rates, tripwire conversion rates, and overall efforts during the bundle. Identify what worked well and what didn’t, so you can refine your strategies for future bundle participation.

To wrap it up…

In the next episode (and blog post) of this series, I’ll be covering Summit Participation!

Now, if you’re sitting there thinking, “Okay, I get it, but how do I stop overthinking my marketing and start executing a proven, step-by-step strategy?” Well, the answer is the Conversion Catalyst Club (CCC). It’s the one-stop-shop for all your marketing needs. Imagine having a monthly marketing plan done-for-you, a monthly training to keep you focused, and even a Voxer Day each month to chat with me about your specific business needs.

CCC also offers a monthly Q&A call to answer all your burning questions about marketing plans, plus a quarterly SPRINT, where we co-work and put all that learning into action.

To celebrate the return of the Make it Marketable Podcast – Use the code ‘MIMReturns’ for 20% off your first month/quarter.

Show Notes

In this episode, we kick off a three-part series on bundles and summits. Specifically, we’ll be focusing on being a bundle participant. Bundles are curated collections of digital products, offered at a discounted or free price. Being a member of a bundle allows you to reach a larger audience, generate more leads and has potential for affiliate sales and commissions.If you’re interested in joining a bundle, remember to focus on contributing a product that aligns with the bundle’s theme as opposed to creating something new for the sake of participation. Most importantly, grab your favorite cold brew and come join us for some actionable tips on how to make the most out of participating in bundles.

Recommended Links/Resources Mentioned:


About your Host

Ready to make money in your DMs and make your sales take off? Victoria Boyd is the marketing strategist and DM selling expert you need if you’re an online entrepreneur ready to explode their business. 

With a Masters in Internet Marketing and over 7 years of digital marketing experience as a social media strategist and manager, she has helped clients at every stage of business scale their online presence. Victoria is also a successful coach and course creator who multiple online education opportunities under her belt, including the Sell In Your DMs Playbook, Make It Marketable, Services That Sell, and personalized coaching.

Her specialty? Helping you craft strategic messaging that speaks directly to your dream clients so you can scale your business and close sales from the comfort of your DMs, without the sleazy tactics. She’ll guide you on how to tie all of your marketing together so you can generate leads, get your brand scene, make sales, and have fun working on your business instead of in it.

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    I'm Victoria, a marketing strategist who believes in authentic, no-BS strategies. With a passion for helping businesses grow ethically, I guide you through creating clarity, collaboration, and freedom in your marketing.

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